Benzene Sampler

Benzene Sampler
With many years of work, Technogroovy is the best in providing a set of world-class Benzene samples used to insert viable particles into a microbial spray. For volatile organic compounds sampling from ambient air, the sample tube filled with activated carbon tube comes with a techno-gasoline sample, and comes with a digital differential pressure gauge and a speedometer.
A 20-200ml gradient scale is provided to monitor the airflow. This organic vapor sample collects samples of organic compounds in the surrounding air by immersing them in a column of activated carbon. The organic matter is analyzed and analyzed by a gas chronograph
to estimate the actual concentration in the surrounding air.

Features :
            Portable, battery operated instrument.
            Flow Meter provides accurate flow reading in 20-200 ml/min flow range.
            The combined flow complex indicates directly the volume of air taken in liters.
            Programmable microcontroller-based timer enables periodic operation to collect compound samples.
            The same devices can be used to monitor a wide range of organic products

Technical Specification:
            Flow rate :- 0 – 3.0 lpm
            Size: - 170x135x110mm. approx.
            Weight: - 900gm approx.
            Battery :- 12V Li-ion rechargeable battery
            Recharge time:- 12 hours
            Operation Time:- 16 hours on fully charged batteries .
            Filter: - 37mm/25mm diameter filter discs (Whatman GF/A Grade) or equivalent.
            Cabinet: - Modular Powder Coated.


For Technogroovy
Mayank Kumar Singh
Sales Engineer 
Mob: +91-8218470498,+91-8860277055


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